Ned Johnson

Ned Johnson

Author, Speaker and Founder, PrepMatter

Ned Johnson is an author, speaker, and founder of PrepMatters, an educational company providing academic tutoring, educational planning, and standardized test preparation.

A professional “tutor-geek” since 1993, Ned has spent nearly 40,000 one-on-one hours helping students conquer an alphabet of standardized tests and honing his insightful interpersonal skills. A battle-tested veteran of test prep, stress regulation and student performance, Ned coaches clients to manage their anxiety and find the motivation to reach their full potential.

Ned co-authored the book Conquering the SAT: How Parents Can Help Students Overcome the Pressure and Succeed, which tackles the outsized role anxiety plays in standardized testing. Ned is a sought-after speaker and teen coach on study skills, sleep deprivation, parent-teen dynamics, and test anxiety, and his work is featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, BBC, and many others.

Speaker's Events

The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives

William R. Stixrud, Ph.D

Clinical Neuropsychologist and Founder, The Stixrud Group

Ned Johnson

Author, Speaker and Founder, PrepMatter

Nov 13 2018