Hana Schank

Hana Schank

Public Interest Technology Fellow at New America and Author

Hana Schank co-authored (with Elizabeth Wallace) The Ambition Decisions: What Women Know About Work, Family, and the Path to Building a Life.

Ms. Schank is a Public Interest Technology Fellow at New America. Schank is a frequent contributor to the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and the author of two works of nonfiction. She is a graduate of Northwestern University, and holds an MFA in nonfiction writing from Columbia University. Schank lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. with her husband and two children.

Speaker's Events

The Ambition Decisions: What Women Know About Work, Family, and the Path to Building a Life

Hana Schank

Public Interest Technology Fellow at New America and Author

Elizabeth Wallace

Freelance Content Creator and Author

Jan 17 2019