Elizabeth Melendez Fisher, MA

Elizabeth Melendez Fisher, MA

President and CEO, Selah Freedom

Elizabeth Melendez Fisher, MA is Co-Founder and President/CEO of Selah Freedom, a national nonprofit organization focused on ending domestic sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Selah Freedom educates over 70,000 and works with close to 2,000 at-risk youth and sex trafficking survivors annually. Selah Freedom offers 12- month Residential Recovery Programs, at-risk teen prevention programs, and outreach to survivors. The organization trains and equips law enforcement agencies and has co-developed one of the nation’s first successful Prostitution Court Diversionary programs.

Speaker's Events

Two Events

Human Trafficking and Exploitation: Law, Policy, and Restorative Programs

Elizabeth Melendez Fisher, MA

President and CEO, Selah Freedom

Judge Virginia Kendall

United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois

Katherine Kaufka Walts, JD

Director, Center for the Human Rights of Children at Loyola University Chicago

Nov 9 2017