Late Specialization: The Surprising Key to Athletic Success
Date and Time:
Nov 3 2016 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
New Trier High School, Northfield Campus, Cornog Auditorium
7 Happ Rd., Northfield, IL 60093
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David Epstein

Author, "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World" and "The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance"

Late Specialization: The Surprising Key to Athletic Success

Advice | Career | Culture | Innovation | Sports | Youth

Many of us assume that given how incredibly competitive sports are these days, every athlete needs to be running, jumping, throwing, and hitting practically as soon as he or she is walking. The necessity of an early start on the lifelong road to athletic expertise is the subject of a half-dozen bestselling books, not to mention national commercials, thousands of youth sports programs, and more articles than anyone can count. Unfortunately, typically, the people running those programs and writing those articles are oblivious to the growing body of cutting-edge science that illuminates the true foundation of athletic expertise — and it isn’t what you may think!

NOTE: David Epstein spoke at two FAN events on November 3, 2016.

EVENT 1: Thursday, November 3, 2016, “Late Specialization: The Surprising Key to Athletic Success,” 7:00 PM, New Trier High School, Northfield Campus, Cornog Auditorium, 7 Happ Rd., Northfield.

EVENT 2: Thursday, November 3, 2016, “Fast Risers and Slow Bakers: Which Type of Developing Athlete are You?,” 5-6:00 PM, ReDefined Fitness, 1211 Washington Ave., Wilmette.